Yes, AccountView is our free online access to Moventum client custody accounts.
Our trusting partnership with over 1,600 financial advisors and their numerous private clients has obliged us to take the utmost care for over 20 years. That is why private investors choose to entrust us with their securities portfolios managed by financial professionals – with over 1 million transactions per year and accounts in a wide range of currencies.
We offer all services related to collaborating with advisors and asset managers: independently and product-neutral. Your financial advisor can therefore answer any questions you may have about your investment, such as securities investments, fund savings and retirement provision, provide comprehensive advice and depend on the highest level of data protection and transaction security.
Moventum S.C.A. is licensed and monitored by the Luxembourg financial market authority (CSSF) and is a member of Luxembourg’s investor compensation system (Système d’indemnisation des investisseurs Luxembourg, SIIL).
Banque de Luxembourg keeps the client deposits held by Moventum S.C.A. It is a member of the Luxembourg Deposit Guarantee Fund (Fonds
de garantie des dépôts Luxembourg, FGDL) and belongs to a stable and strong group of companies.
Banque de Luxembourg is a subsidiary of Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale via Crédit Industriel et Commercial (CIC), which holds 100% of the bank’s business capital.
Banque Fédérative du Crédit Mutuel (BFCM) is rated “A” by Standard & Poor’s, “Aa3” by Moody’s and “A+” by Fitch. As such, Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale is one of the best-rated banks in France and Europe.
More information can be found here:
Contracts can be signed digitally, making the process of opening settlement and custody accounts completely paperless. Clients can identify themselves by means of a video identification procedure and sign the contract with an electronic signature.
This makes the process of opening accounts more client and environmentally friendly. Service oriented, secure and legally compliant.
Naturally, however, the traditional method of opening an account will continue to be available to clients who prefer this method.
All important information is available here in real time, and all documents are fully paperless for account holders.
With AccountView, your personal financial overview is just a click away. Click here to log in.
Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Is AccountView free of charge?
Yes, AccountView is our free online access to Moventum client custody accounts.
What do you do if a pop-up window states that “Your account details are incomplete”?
This warning about incomplete information is shown when account information is incomplete, such as when your tax identification number (TIN) is missing or an identity card has expired.
If you have only one account with Moventum:
Clicking on “OK” will open a new pop-up window to allow you to complete the information.
If you have multiple accounts with Moventum:
When you click on “OK”, you will be taken to the “Account View” page, where you can immediately see which of your accounts is/are missing information and need to be updated.
Although my ID card is still valid, it is shown as expired. Why?
You will receive this warning if your ID card has already expired or is due to expire within two months. You can upload a valid ID card (both sides) in the “Uploads” area. You can also upload your ID as a smartphone photo.
Why are my foreign currency positions also displayed in EUR?
The foreign currency positions displayed under “Market value (EUR)” are only guide values calculated on the basis of a foreign exchange rate from the previous day.
What are the advantages of the mailbox?
The mailbox is a central and simplified means of receiving, reading and storing all important documents relating to your Moventum account. Moventum regularly uploads letters, reports and other documents to the mailbox. The mailbox provides an overview of all new entries and all previous messages. You can easily download, save or print the documents. When you activate the mailbox, you save the postage fee of 12 euro per year. This does not apply for mailbox activations during the year.
I do not have access to the mailbox. What can I do?
Please activate your mailbox first. In the “Settings” area, please click on “Activate”. Read the important information and confirm with “OK”.
How do I get my username and password?
Access to your account is protected by a username and password. You will receive these credentials directly from Moventum once you have completed and signed the registration form and returned it to Moventum. The default password must be changed when you log in the first time. The password can then be changed online at any time.
I forgot my login details for AccountView. How do I get new login information?
If you have forgotten your username and/or password, you can simply request to have new access data sent. To do this, select “Request new Username or password” from the login page, fill in the form and send it to Moventum.
If you ask us to send you a new username, your old name will be sent to you, but in conjunction with a new password, which must be changed after the initial login.
You are welcome to consult our detailed user manual, which has more detailed explanations and background information. You can find it in the “Download” area of your AccountView account.
In addition, your advisor has access to the AccountView user manual through MoventumOffice and can provide it to you. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your advisor so that you can take full advantage of the benefits of your Moventum account.